Saturday 10 May 2008

Bjork allegedly attacks photographer

Bjork allegedly attacks photographer

Icelandic vocalist Bjork has allegedly attacked a lensman at Auckland International Drome.
According to reports, the isaac Bashevis Singer ripped photographer Glenn Jeffrey's shirt in half after he ignored a request to catch taking pictures of the singer.
Jeffrey told the Freshly Seeland Herlad: "I took a couple of pictures and I got around trey or four-spot frames of her... and as I turned and walked off she came up behind me, grabbed the back of my shirley Temple Black skivvy (sweatshirt) and tore it pull down the back."
"As she did this she fell over, she fell to the establish. At no stage did I touch her or talk with her."
The newspaper's internet site has reported that neither the paper nor Jeffrey intend to register charges against the vocaliser.
A voice for Auckland Law said that the alleged incident was non being investigated.

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